Wednesday, June 23, 2010

AVOID Tempations!

by Steven Curtis Chapman

Strolling past temptation avenue,
You hear so meny voices calling you;
Maybe you'll step in and take a quick look around.
Try to walk through it,
And you're gonna fall down.

You've gotta run away,
Turn around and run the other way;
Don't even look in the direction
of a thought you should not entertain.
You've gotta run away,
It's a prison that is calling your name;
You just can't win if you play,
So run away.

There comes a time when you must stand and fight,
When the darkness tries to evercome the light;
But sin that is dressed up in the color of gray,
Is only defeated
When we run away.


Don't put yourself in that position
Where sin can make it's proposition;
And if you find that you have fallen,
You gotta get up, get ready to run
Next time sin comes calling, calling.

1 comment:

  1. This song is truely a warning that we should never get common with sin and temptation. What I find so fasinating about God's word is that it identifies us where we are. James 1 says that we are tempted when we are drawn away by our own lusts or desires. The temptation is meant only to identify a problem. It then becomes our responsibility to crucify our flesh in that area Galation 2:20. Joshua made a dreadful mistake that we are encouraged to learn from. He made a league or agreement with his enemy and allowed them to remain in the land that was suppose to be for the children of Isreal only, and they became a problem later. We need to obtain victory in our weak areas through the daily washing of the water by the word (Eph. 5:26). If we make excuses for the flesh it won't be long before it will be strengthened and the grace to run will escaped us. Take the land while grace is still plentiful. Victory is sweet!
